DotNetOpenMail 0.5.7 (beta)
HtmlAttachment Members
HtmlAttachment overview
Public Instance Constructors
HtmlAttachment Constructor Create a new HTML Attachment. It flags the content/type as "text/html", uses Quoted Printable encoding by default, and uses the default character set, which is ISO-8859-1 unless otherwise specified in the .config file.
Public Instance Properties
CharSet (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The character set of the encoded text
ContentBytes (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The raw bytes of the content (if this is the way it was set.)
ContentId (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) An optional content id that is used to refer to the attachment from elsewhere within a multipart/related email.
Contents (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The unencoded contents, as a string (optional)
ContentType (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The "content type" of the attachment
Encoding (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The encoding type for this attachment.
FileName (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The file name to attach to the attachment.
Public Instance Methods
Equals (inherited from Object )
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object .
GetHashCode (inherited from Object )
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object )
Gets the Type of the current instance.
ToDataString (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) Return the encoded contents, including mime header.
ToString (inherited from Object )
Returns a String that represents the current Object .
Protected Instance Fields
_charset (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The character set of the encoded text
_contentbytes (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The binary source of the file
_contentdescription (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The content description of the attachment
_contentdisposition (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The content disposition of the attachment
_contentid (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) An optional content id
_contents (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The unencoded contents, as a string (optional)
_contenttransferencoding (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The content-transfer encoding of the attachment
_contenttype (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The "content type" of the attachment
_encodingtype (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The mail encoding type (e.g. quoted-printable, etc)
_fileinfo (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The file source to read from
_filename (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) The file name to identify the content. (This can be different from the actual file name, if there was one.)
Protected Instance Methods
Finalize (inherited from Object )
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
GetInternalMimeHeader (inherited from AbstractEmailAttachment ) Create the internal mime header, as found on the mime-attachment itself.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object )
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object .
See Also
HtmlAttachment Class | DotNetOpenMail Namespace